Sunday, March 3, 2013

Ark: Week 4

This week was a lot of fun! The 3rd graders for the most part finished their animal drawings and poems.  At first we noticed that the kids were having a difficult time with the requirements of their poems.  Ms. Molly informed the students to be as creative as they'd like and that poems do not have specific structures like paragraphs do.  After she informed the students about this the students were really creative and made me laugh a lot with their poems.

I could tell the students were enjoying the rhyming aspect of poetry.  But still, there were a few students who were stubborn and refused to do any work.  I sat down with these students individually and together we worked past their frustrations.  There was one student who is very challenging and often refuses to do any of his work.  So I made a deal with him, I'd write the poem if he verbally told me what to say and promised not to distract his classmates for the rest of class.  He instantly took up the offer and within 5 minutes we were done with the poem and he "quietly" focused on his free-drawing artwork.  (This student typically distracts other students with his body movements or by shouting across the room.  I feel as if this situation was the first time were I really established trust with a student who has been very stand off-ish towards me.)

Another group of 3rd graders had Art the following day and were working on the same project.  I assumed that the students were allowed to be just as creative with their poems as the other 3rd graders...I was wrong.  After working with the students for a good 20 minutes and helping them make fun and creative poems I overheard Ms. Molly informing the students that they couldn't be doing what I told the students to do.  I was very confused and didn't really understand why this group of 3rd graders didn't have the same instructions as the other group.  Looking back, I wish Ms. Molly had informed me about the change up prior to the group entering the classroom because I would have properly instructed the students to do the work as she had wished for. I felt uneasy about the situation because the students who I worked with really enjoyed their poems and when they had to re-do it they were frustrated and butted heads with Ms. Molly.  I felt as if I was the catalyst for their disagreements. I wasn't informed of the new instructions (nor were there class instructions in the beginning of the class of what was expected of the 3rd graders that day).  I guess I need to constantly ask questions about what the students should exactly be doing prior to giving out instructions. Also, I believe she should had informed me about the change up so it wouldn't have set us and the students back....I felt a little embarrassed about the situation but for the most part all of the students completely finished their projects and were able to enjoy free time!

Below is my favorite made me laugh so hard and the student who made it was very proud of both her drawing and poem! I'm sure you will also enjoy it...

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