Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Drawing and Painting: Day 2

Another class with Ms. Valenti!  Drawing and Painting is the following class that students progress to after completing Studio art.  This class mostly consists of 10th graders who have a better feel and understanding in art.

Today the students were learning about contrast, shadows, and light while working with graphite.  Students crumpled up a brown paper bag and then had to draw the different creases, shades and highlights.  Ms. Valenti also dimmed the lights to help the students observe the shadows and highlights of the bag.

As for me, I once again was assigned display duty! This time I had to display students' work from the prior project which was very interesting to observe.  Previously, the students were learning the basics about shadows and highlights.  In this project students had to paste their name or initials with ribbon-like paper onto drawing paper. The students then had to draw their name or initials in a 3D perspective. The students did an absolutely beautiful job with their drawings.  It is obvious that many of these students have the feel for graphite.

I admire how Ms. Valenti incorporates her students within their artwork.  I believe this is a great tactic to keep students engaged with their artwork.  While I hung the drawings I overheard the students pointing out their work to this classmates.  It was very warming to hear the students' excitement as they pointed out their drawings to each other.

After I hung the drawings I walked around the classroom and learned ALL of the students' names.  They were extremely outgoing and asked me lots of questions about my former studies in undergrad and what my teaching aspirations are.  It was refreshing to work with these students because they seem eager to learn anything about art and artistic career opportunities. 

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